Team > Dr. Sofia Rüdiger
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Englische Sprachwissenschaft
Academic Career
October 2023 - September 2026 | PI of DFG-funded project The Discursive Construction of Eating as Entertainment: Carnivalesque Consumption in the Digital Sphere (RU 2369/3-1) |
since 2018 | Akademische Rätin a.Z. at the Chair of English Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Susanne Mühleisen), University of Bayreuth |
February - March 2024 | Visiting Scholar at Digital Ethnography Research Center (DERC), RMIT, Australia (hosted by Prof. Dr. Tania Lewis) |
March - April 2023 | Visiting Scholar at Language Studies Unit, University of Tampere, Finland (hosted by Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Daria Dayter) |
February - May 2022 | Visiting Scholar at Department of Languages, University of Helsinki, Finland (funded by Fritz Thyssen Foundation; hosted by Prof. Dr. Minna Palander-Collin) |
October 2019 | Visiting Researcher, Fu Jen University, Taiwan (funded by DFG) |
February - March 2018 | Visiting Scholar at English Seminar, University of Basel, Switzerland (hosted by Prof. Dr. Miriam Locher) |
2012 - 2018 | Research Assistant at the Chair of English Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Susanne Mühleisen), University of Bayreuth |
April 2012 - November 2017 | Phd, Chair of English Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Susanne Mühleisen), University of Bayreuth "Characterizing the Spoken Korean English Repertoire: Morpho-Syntactic Patterns of Korean(ized) English" (summa cum laude) Submitted: March 30, 2017; Defended: November 17, 2017 |
February - August 2011 | Exchange student, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea |
October 2009 - March 2012 | MA Intercultural Anglophone Studies, University of Bayreuth MA thesis: “English Loanwords in Korean” |
August 2007 - March 2008 | Exchange student, Ajou University, Suwon, South Korea |
October 2005 - April 2010 | BA English Language & Literature (Anglistik) and Applied Computer Science BA thesis: “Politeness through Honorifics: A Study of Speech Levels among Korean Students in Bayreuth (Germany) and Korea” |
Guest Lectures, Invited Talks & Keynotes
- "Selling Seduction: The Discursive Construction of Expert Identities in the Seduction Industry" (guest lecture), March 20, Tampere University, Finland, invited by Prof. Dr. Daria Dayter (conducted virtually).
- "Investigating East Asian Varieties of English: From South Korea to Taiwan" (invited talk), March 15, University of Melbourne, Australia.
- "The Discursive Construction of Eating as Entertainment: Carnivalesque Consumption and Performative Excess in the Digital Sphere" (invited talk), March 13, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, Digital Ethnography Research Center.
- "Performing Eating-As-Entertainment: Online Eating Shows and Involvement Strategies" (invited talk), November 10, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, invited by Prof. Jan Chovanec.
- "Carnivalesque Consumption: The Language of Excessive Food Videos and the Next Click" (keynote), November 9, The Analysis of the Language of Persuasion and Manipulation in New Digital Genres, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, invited by Dr. Dominika Beneš Kováčová.
- "'I'm Gonna Have a Bite of my Deliciousness' - Food Evaluation in Eating Shows" (guest lecture), October 11, Tampere University, Finland, invited by Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Daria Dayter (conducted virtually).
- "'Complainers are seldom pity'd, and boasters yet seldomer beleiv'd' - Complaint Metadiscourse in Letters and Etiquette Books in the Early and Late Modern English Period" (guest lecture), June 26, University of Augsburg, invited by Prof. Dr. Claudia Claridge.
- "Daebak! Transnational K-Phenomena and Korean-English Language Contact" (guest lecture), June 16, TU Dresden, invited by Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange.
- "Selling Seduction: The Discursive Construction of Expert Identities in the Seduction Industry" (guest lecture), March 29, Tampere University, invited by Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Daria Dayter.
- "Language & Food: Delicious Research in Culinary Linguistics" (guest lecture), March 3, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Medellin, Colombia, invited by Dr. Raúl Mora (conducted virtually).
- "Triangulating Practice and Discourse in Pick-up Artist Instructional Videos: From Voice-Over to Video Comments" (invited talk), October 6, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, School of English Seminar Series (conducted virtually).
- "Challenges and Opportunities in Investigating East Asian Englishes - The Case of South Korea" (invited talk), June 28, University of Regensburg, Germany, invited by Prof. Dr. Jakob Leimgruber.
- "Like 'a Hungry Man with a Mutton Chop on the Gridiron': Investigating Indirect Complaints in ARCHER" (invited talk), May 6, Research Unit for the Study of Variation, Contacts and Change in English (VARIENG), University of Helsinki, Finland.
- "Of K-Pop and Mukbang: Transnational K-Phenomena and Linguistic Interactions" (invited talk), May 2, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland, invited by Dr. Heli Paulasto.
- "Delicious Meals and Conversations: Food and Language in YouTube Eating Shows" (keynote), April 29, Pagpaambit - Tales Around the Table: Food in Linguistics and Literature, Cebu Technological University, the Philippines (conducted virtually).
- "Intimate Consumptions - Food and Language in YouTube Eating Shows" (invited talk), November 24, Tampere University, Finland, invited by A/Prof. Dr. Daria Dayter (conducted virtually).
- "Online Discourse of the Speed Seduction Community" (invited talk, with Daria Dayter), October 14, Tilburg University, the Netherlands, invited by A/Prof. Dr. Tom Van Hout (conducted virtually).
- "Exploring the Online Seduction Industry – Methodological and Ethical Aspects" (invited workshop, with Daria Dayter), July 18, #GenderChallenge - Exploring Gender Identities Online, University of Greifswald & University of Konstanz (conducted virtually).
- "Pick-up Artists' Conversations with Women: Power Asymmetry and Forced Engagement" (invited talk, with Daria Dayter), June 15, LIP (Language, Ideology and Power) Research Group Meeting, Lancaster University, UK (conducted virtually).
- "Online Research Ethics Revisited - Dealing with Digital Data in Linguistics" (invited talk), April 28, Research Colloquium of the Chairs of English and American Studies, TU Dortmund, Germany (conducted virtually), invited by Prof. Dr. Patricia Ronan.
- "What’s in a Name? Korean(ized) English(es) and the World Englishes Paradigm" (invited talk), April 14, KoHL/콜 (Korean Heritage Language) Research Group Roundtable, University of California Irvine (UCI), USA (conducted virtually).
- "Eating for Your Pleasure – Exploring the Genre of Eating Shows" (keynote), May 22, 67. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft, University of Bayreuth, Germany (conducted virtually).
- "Travel Around the World with English – An Introduction to World Englishes" (guest lecture), October 9, Fu Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, invited by Prof. Dr. Yun-Pi Yuan.
- "World Englishes Research Goes East Asia – South Korea and Taiwan" (guest lecture), October 7, Fu Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, invited by Prof. Dr. Yun-Pi Yuan.
- "From English in Korea to Eating Shows on YouTube - My Life as a Linguist" (guest lecture), October 3, Fu Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, invited by Prof. Dr. Ming-i Lydia Tseng.
- "Corpus Compilation for World Englishes" (invited workshop), October 2, Fu Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, invited by the Department of English Language and Literature.
- "Using English in Korea - K-Pop, English Fever, and Konglish" (guest lecture), January 23, Linguistische Werkstatt, University of Bamberg, Germany, invited by Dr. Valentin Werner.
- "Modelling World Englishes: A Case Study of South Korea" (guest lecture), June 11, University of Regensburg, Germany, invited by Dr. Sarah Buschfeld and Prof. Dr. Edgar Schneider.
- "More Than Just K-Pop: Forms and Functions of English in South Korea" (guest lecture), March 6, University of Basel, Switzerland, invited by Prof. Dr. Miriam Locher.
- "Language Contact in South Korea: Keuriseumaseu Keikeu, Karol, and Teuri (with Best Wishes from Santa Harabeoji)" (guest lecture), December 20, LMU Munich, Germany, invited by Prof. Dr. Stephanie Hackert.
- "More Than Meets the Eye: English in South Korea" (guest lecture), December 1, TU Dresden, Germany, invited by Dr. Sven Leuckert, 1 December.
- "Language Contact in Outer Space: Code-Switching on Firefly" and "The Korean Writing System" (guest lectures), November 29, TU Dresden, Germany, invited by Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange.
- "Spoken English in South Korea: A Corpus-Based Investigation" (guest lecture), February 23, University of Oxford, Hertford College, UK, invited by Dr. Jieun Kiaer.
- "Meri Keuriseumaseu and Santa Harabeoji: English in South Korea" (Christmas lecture), December 17, University of Bayreuth, Germany, invited by faculty student council (Fachschaft).
- "English in Korea" (guest lecture), May 3, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Medellin, Columbia, invited by Dr. Raúl Mora (conducted virtually).
Presentations at Conferences
- "Magical Affirmations: Affirmative Statements in the Pick-up Artist Paradigm" (with Daria Dayter; presented by DD), IPrA 2023, Brussel, Belgium.
- "Discourse-Pragmatic Like in East Asian Englishes: Focus on Taiwan" (with Jakob Leimgruber), June 19-22, ISLE 7, Brisbane, Australia / Online.
- "Creepy, Confident, or Persistent? Triangulating Practice and Discourse in Pick-up Artist Instructional Videos" (with Daria Dayter), November 18-19, Influence, Manipulation, and Seduction 2 - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Persuasive Language, Bayreuth, Germany / Tampere, Finland / Online.
- "'Asian Accent is Awesome' – Valuing Englishes on YouTube" (with Sven Leuckert), September 15-17, 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- "Pick-Up Artist Guru, Dating Coach, or Flirting Mentor – The Discursive Construction of Expert Identities in the Seduction Industry" (with Daria Dayter), August 26-28, 6th Corpora & Discourse International Conference (CADS), Bertinoro, Italy.
- "Communicating Taste and Constructing Food Reviewer Identities in Korean and American Mukbang" (with Hanwool Choe), August 15-20, AILA 2021, Groningen, The Netherlands / Online.
- "Historical Approaches to Indirect Complaints and Indirect Complaint Responses", June 27-July 2, 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Winterthur, Switzerland / Online.
- "Constructing Authenticity in Seduction 'Guru Discourse'" (with Daria Dayter), June 27-July 2, 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Winterthur, Switzerland / Online.
- "Compiling the Corpus of Spoken English in Taiwan" (with Jakob Leimgruber), June 10, Sociolinguistics Symposium 23, Hong Kong / Online.
- "Asian Varieties of English on YouTube" (with Sven Leuckert), June 2, ISLE 6, Joensuu, Finland / Online.
- "Atrocious Quotes - Researching Pick-Up Artists and the Seduction Industry" (with Daria Dayter), May 14, BAAL Language & New Media SIG Annual Seminar - Dealing with Distressing Data, Cardiff, UK / Online.
- "Persuasive Language and the Discourse of Seduction Gurus" (with Daria Dayter), November 20-21, Influence, Manipulation & Seduction - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Persuasive Language, Basel, Switzerland / Online.
- "Chewing, Swallowing, and Enjoying Your Food: Eating as Entertainment for Others" (data session), January 30-31, Facial Gestures in Interaction, Bayreuth, Germany.
- "Fresh Science, Science Buffs, and Exclusive Science Classes - A Discourse Analysis of Travel Advertising in a Popular Science Magazine", September 26-28, 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), Bamberg, Germany.
- "Digital Food Talk: Blurring Immediacy and Distance in YouTube Eating Shows", September 22-25, Anglistentag 2019, Leipzig, Germany.
- "Doing a Dinner Conversation…By Yourself – The Performance of Informality in YouTube Eating Shows", June 9-14, 16th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Hong Kong.
- "Eating Shows on YouTube as Digital Artifacts: Food Discourses Online", February 12-14, Ethnography with a Twist, Jyväskylä, Finland. (poster; funded by WiN-UBT).
- "Iceberg Ahead: Self-Praise in Online and Offline Discourse" (presentation; with Daria Dayter), September 6-8, Second International Conference on Sociolinguistics (ICS2), Budapest, Hungary.
- "'Lots of Alcohol They Have' - Information Packaging Constructions in Spoken Korean(ized) English" (presentation; with Sven Leuckert), July 17-20, ISLE 5, London, UK.
- "In like South Korea: The Use of Like in Korean English Speech" at ICAME 39, Tampere, Finland, May 30-June 3. (presentation; funded by Stabsabteilung Chancengleichheit - Gleichstellungsmittel)
- "Dinner for One: The Use of Language in Eating Shows on YouTube" at Talking about Food - Local & Global Contexts, Bayreuth, Germany, 27-28 April 2018. (presentation)
- "Designing SKATE: Investigating South Korean Attitudes Towards English" at ISLE Summer School - Variation in World Englishes: Advanced Issues in Theory and Methodology, Regensburg, Germany, 4-7 October 2017. (presentation)
- "Fantastic Variants and Where to Find Them: A Descriptive Account of the English Spoken by Koreans" at 7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (7BICLCE2017), Vigo, Spain, 28-30 September 2017. (presentation; funded by German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD)
- "Non-Canonical Syntax in Spoken Korean(ized) English" at NoCaSynE - New Perspectives on Non-Canonical Syntax in English, Dresden, Germany, 1-3 September 2017. (presentation; with Sven Leuckert)
- "Killer Hugs, Mad Skills and No One Trick Ponies: Self-Presentation on Pick-up Artists' Online Forums" at 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 16-21 July 2017. (presentation; with Daria Dayter; funded by Stabsabteilung Chancengleichheit - Gleichstellungsmittel)
- "Acceptable Variants, Uneducated Usage and Markers of Deficiency - Language Variation in the Field of World Englishes" at Dynamik - Variation - System, Münster, Germany, 2-4 June 2017. (presentation)
- "Preposition Overload? Examining the Use of Prepositions by Korean Speakers of English" at ICAME 38 - Corpus et Orbis: Interpreting the World through Corpora, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-28 May 2017. (presentation)
- "Morpho-Syntactic Patterns of Spoken English in an Expanding Circle Context" at ISLE 4 - English in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Perspectives, Poznan, Poland, 18-21 September 2016. (presentation; funded by University of Bayreuth Graduate School )
- "Spoken English in Korea" at Language and Space Summer School, Kloster Kappel, Switzerland, 04-09 September 2016. (pecha kucha presentation; funded by Stabsabteilung Chancengleichheit - Gleichstellungsmittel)
- "Online Reports of Seduction - When Your Informants Don't Trust You" at Social Media & Society, London, UK, 11-13 July 2016. (poster; with Daria Dayter)
- "Spoken Korean English - The Morpho-Syntactic Dimension" at Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Murcia, Spain, 15-18 June 2016. (presentation; funded by German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD)
- "Cuppa Coffee? Challenges and opportunities of compiling a conversational English corpus in an Expanding Circle setting" at MaLT (Methods and Linguistics Theories), Bamberg, Germany, 27-28 November 2015. (presentation)
- "Many Friend and A Lot of Thing: The Reduction of Plural Redundancy in Spoken Korean English" at IAWE 2015 - World Englishes: Bridging Cultures and Contexts, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-10 October 2015. (presentation)
- "Language in an Online Community of Pick-up Artists: Reconstructing Experience" at The Ethics of Online Research Methods (BAAL Language and New Media SIG Workshop), Cardiff, UK, 16-17 April 2015. (presentation; with Daria Dayter)
- "Konglish - What it is and what it isn't" at IAWE 2014 - Asian Contexts and World Englishes, Delhi, India, 18-20 December 2014. (presentation; funded by German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD)
- "Compiling the Corpus of Spoken Korean English" at Forum Junge Englische Linguistik (FJUEL), Bamberg, Germany, 26 September 2014. (presentation)
- "Explaining Emerging Patterns: A Corpus-Based Study of the Koreanization of English" at ISLE 3 - Building Bridges: Inter- and Intradisciplinary Research, Zurich, Switzerland, 24-27 August 2014. (poster; recipient of an ISLE travel bursary)
- "Emerging Patterns of Korean English" at IAWE 2013 - World Englishes in the Multilingual World, Tempe, Arizona, USA, 16-18 November 2013. (presentation; funded by University of Bayreuth Graduate School)
- "Emerging Patterns of Spoken Korean English" at Forum Junge Englische Linguistik (FJUEL), Regensburg, Germany, 20 September 2013. (presentation)
- "Speak your mind but watch your mouth: complaints in CouchSurfing references" at Facework and Social Media, Hildesheim, Germany, 23-25 May 2013. (presentation; with Daria Dayter)
- "Spoken Korean English or English as Spoken in Korea?" at ISLE Spring School - Englishes in a Multilingual World: New Dynamics of Variation, Contact and Change, Freiburg, Germany, 15-19 April 2013. (poster and presentation)
- "English Loanwords in Korean: Using English Words Is Cool?" at IAWE 2012 - World Englishes: Contexts, Challenges and Opportunities, Hong Kong / Guangzhou, China, 06-09 December 2012. (presentation)
- "English in Korea: Nativized Variety or Learners’ English?” at Forum Junge Englische Linguistik (FJUEL), Augsburg, Germany, 28 September 2012. (presentation)
- "Welkum to Cheezeland: Linguistic Features of lolspeak and its Relation to Attitudes and Identity” at Language and Social Media - New Challenges for Research and Teaching Linguistics (BAAL/CUP), Leicester, UK, 26-27 April 2012. (poster)
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Englische Sprachwissenschaft
- World Englishes and Variational Linguistics with a particular focus on Asian Englishes, English in South Korea, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)
- Pragmatics, Complaints and Complaint Responses, Historical Pragmatics, Persuasive Language
- Sociolinguistics, Multilingualism, Language Contact, Code-Switching, Lexical Borrowing
- Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
- Syntax and Morphology, Non-Canonical Syntax
- Corpus Linguistics, Spoken Language Corpora, Corpus Construction
- Discourse Analysis
- Language and Food, Linguistic & Digital Ethnography
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Englische Sprachwissenschaft
Global and local perspectives on language contact
publ: Pfadenhauer, Katrin; Rüdiger, Sofia; Serreli, Valentina
Berlin : Language Science Press, 2024 . - (Contact and Multilingualism; 7)
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438503 ...
Rüdiger, Sofia; Lange, Claudia
Introduction to the special issue on “The language of science fiction”
in Linguistics Vanguard volume 9 (2023) issue s3. - page 229-232
doi:10.1515/lingvan-2023-0031 ...
The Language of Science Fiction
publ: Rüdiger, Sofia; Lange, Claudia
Linguistics Vanguard
2023 ...
Formality and Informality in Online Performances
publ: Rüdiger, Sofia; Mühleisen, Susanne
Internet Pragmatics
2022. - 195 page
Dayter, Daria; Rüdiger, Sofia
The Language of Pick-Up Artists : Online Discourses of the Seduction Industry
London ; New York : Routledge, 2022. - 226 page . - (Routledge Research in Language and Communication)
Rüdiger, Sofia; Leimgruber, Jakob R. E.; Tseng, Ming–I Lydia
English in Taiwan : Expanding the scope of corpus-based research on East Asian Englishes
in English Today (2022) . - page 1-10
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006744 ...
Rüdiger, Sofia
Intimate consumptions : YouTube eating shows and the performance of informality
in Internet Pragmatics volume 5 (2022) issue 1. - page 115-142
doi:10.1075/ip.00070.rud ...
Rüdiger, Sofia; Mühleisen, Susanne
Introduction: Formality and informality in online performances
in Internet Pragmatics volume 5 (2022) issue 1. - page 1-11
doi:10.1075/ip.5.1 ...
Rüdiger, Sofia
reviewed by: Andreas H. Jucker: Politeness in the History of English : From the Middle Ages to the Present D ...
in Discourse Studies volume 23 (2021) issue 2. - page 231-233
doi:10.1177/1461445621994345 ...
Rüdiger, Sofia
Digital Food Talk : Blurring Immediacy and Distance in YouTube Eating Shows
in Anglistik volume 32 (2021) issue 2. - page 111-130
doi:10.33675/ANGL/2021/2/9 ...
Leuckert, Sven; Rüdiger, Sofia
Discourse markers and world Englishes
in World Englishes volume 40 (2021) issue 4. - page 482-487
doi:10.1111/weng.12535 ...
Discourse Markers and World Englishes
publ: Leuckert, Sven; Rüdiger, Sofia
World Englishes
Rüdiger, Sofia
Like in Korean English speech
in World Englishes volume 40 (2021) issue 4. - page 548-561
doi:10.1111/weng.12540 ...
Rüdiger, Sofia
Non-Postcolonial Englishes in East Asia : Focus on Korean Popular Music
Bloomsbury World Englishes. Volume 1. Paradigms
London : Bloomsbury, 2021. - page 207-223
doi:10.5040/9781350065833.0021 ...
Corpus Approaches to Social Media
publ: Rüdiger, Sofia; Dayter, Daria
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 2020. - 210 page . - (Studies in Corpus Linguistics; 98)
doi:10.1075/scl.98 ...
Rüdiger, Sofia
Dinner for One : The Use of Language in Eating Shows on YouTube
Talking about Food : The Social and the Global in Eating Communities
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 2020. - page 145-165 . - (IMPACT; 47)
doi:10.1075/impact.47.08rud ...
Rüdiger, Sofia
English in South Korea : Applying the EIF Model
Modelling World Englishes : A Joint Approach towards Postcolonial and Non-Postcolonial Varieties
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2020. - page 154-178
Mühleisen, Susanne; Rüdiger, Sofia
Introduction : Food and Talk in Social Life
Talking about Food : The Social and the Global in Eating Communities
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 2020. - page 1-11 . - (IMPACT; 47)
doi:10.1075/impact.47.01muh ...
Rüdiger, Sofia; Dayter, Daria
Introduction: The Expanding Landscape of Corpus-based Studies of Social Media Language
Corpus Approaches to Social Media
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2020. - page 1-12 . - (Studies in Corpus Linguistics; 98)
doi:10.1075/ ...
Rüdiger, Sofia; Dayter, Daria
Manbragging online : Self-praise on pick-up artists' forums
in Journal of Pragmatics volume 161 (2020) . - page 16-27
doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2020.02.012 ...
Leuckert, Sven; Rüdiger, Sofia
Non-canonical syntax in an Expanding Circle variety : Fronting in spoken Korean(ized) English
in English World-Wide volume 41 (2020) issue 1. - page 33-58
doi:10.1075/eww.00039.leu ...
Talking about Food : The Social and the Global in Eating Communities
publ: Rüdiger, Sofia; Mühleisen, Susanne
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 2020. - 284 page . - (IMPACT; 47)
doi:10.1075/impact.47 ...
Dayter, Daria; Rüdiger, Sofia
Talking about Women : Elicitation, Manual Tagging, and Semantic Tagging in a Study of Pick-up A ...
Corpus Approaches to Social Media
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2020. - page 63-86 . - (Studies in Corpus Linguistics; 98)
doi:10.1075/scl.98.03day ...
Dayter, Daria; Rüdiger, Sofia
In Other Words : "The Language of Attraction" Used by Pick-up Artists
in English Today volume 35 (2019) issue 2. - page 13-19
doi:10.1017/S026607841800007X ...
Rüdiger, Sofia; Dayter, Daria
The Language of Pick-up Artists
in Babel : The Language Magazine (2019) issue 27. - page 16-20
Rüdiger, Sofia
Morpho-Syntactic Patterns in Spoken Korean English
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 2019. - XVI, 228 page . - (Varieties of English around the World; G62)
Rüdiger, Sofia
Mixed Feelings : Attitudes towards English loanwords and their use in South Korea
in Open Linguistics volume 4 (2018) issue 1. - page 184-198
doi:10.1515/opli-2018-0010 ...
Rüdiger, Sofia; Dayter, Daria
The Ethics of Researching Unlikeable Subjects: Language in an Online Community
in Applied Linguistics Review volume 8 (2017) issue 2/3. - page 251-269
doi:10.1515/applirev-2016-1038 ...
Rüdiger, Sofia
Spoken English in Korea : An Expanding Circle English Revisited
Korean Englishes in Transnational Contexts
Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017. - page 75-92
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-59788-1_4 ...
Rüdiger, Sofia
Cuppa Coffee? : Challenges and Opportunities of Compiling a Conversational English Corpus in an ...
A Blend of MaLT : Selected Contributions from the Methods and Linguistic Theories Symposium 2015
Bamberg : University of Bamberg Press, 2016. - page 49-71 . - (Bamberger Beiträge zur Linguistik; 15)
Dayter, Daria; Rüdiger, Sofia
Reporting from the Field : The Narrative Reconstruction of Experience in Pick-up Artist Online ...
in Open Linguistics volume 2 (2016) issue 1. - page 337-351
doi:10.1515/opli-2016-0016 ...
Rüdiger, Sofia
The Nativization of English in the Korean Context : Uncharted Territory for World Englishes : I ...
in English Today volume 30 (2014) issue 4. - page 11-14
doi:10.1017/S0266078414000340 ...
Dayter, Daria; Rüdiger, Sofia
Speak Your Mind, but Watch Your Mouth : Complaints in CouchSurfing References
Face Work and Social Media
Zürich ; Berlin : LIT, 2014. - page 193-212 . - (Hildesheimer Beiträge zur Medienforschung; 2)
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Englische Sprachwissenschaft
Dr. Sofia Rüdiger
Akademische Rätin a.Z.
Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Universitätsstr. 30
Building: GW I
Room: 0.10
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4747
Homepage: Personal Website
Google Scholar: Google Scholar Profile
ResearchGate: ResearchGate