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Team > Ryan Fountain

Ryan Fountain Ryan Fountain
Ryan Fountain

Englische Sprachwissenschaft

Ryan Fountain is a PhD candidate and a research associate in the DFG-funded project “The Discursive Construction of Eating as Entertainment – Carnivalesque Consumption in the Digital Sphere” (2023-2026)


Academic Career

Since October 2023: Research Assistant in Dr. Sofia Rüdiger’s DFG-Funded Project “The Discursive Construction of Eating as Entertainment – Carnivalesque Consumption in the Digital Sphere”

Aug 2022: M.A. in Intercultural Anglophone Studies at the University of Bayreuth, thesis title “Rethinking Standard Language Ideology: A mixed methods approach to the language attitudes of students in English medium instruction (EMI) programs”

2020-2021: Student assistant at the Department of English and American Studies, Chair of English Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Susanne Mühleisen)

2017: TEFL Teacher Trainer, TEFL Certificate Program, Boston Language Institute, Boston, USA

2016-2017: English as a Second Language (ESL) Instructor, Boston, USA

2014: English Teacher, Sogang Language Program, Gwangju, South Korea

2013: B.A. in International Relations at University of the Pacific, Stockton, USA


“Linguistic Laboratory”, University of Bayreuth, Germany / Online, December 14, 2021. Presentation: “Rethinking Standard Language Ideology: A Mixed-Methods Approach to the Language Attitudes of Students in English Medium Instruction (EMI) Programs”

Workshops and Conferences

“Advice in African Multilingual Contexts”, University of Bayreuth, Germany, Multiple Cluster of Excellence Workshop, October 7-8, 2021 (assistant to organizer Prof. Dr. Susanne Mühleisen)

“Language Contact Through Time and Space (CoTiSp), University of Bayreuth, Germany / Online, September 13-14, 2021. (assistant to organizers Dr. Sofia Rüdiger, Dr. Katrin Pfadenhauer, and Dr. Valentina Serreli)


2020-2022 Studienbeihilfe für ausländische Studierende aus STIBET-Mitteln des DAAD

Ryan Fountain

Englische Sprachwissenschaft

  • English in Germany
  • Language Ideology and Standardization
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Variational Pragmatics
  • Elite Discourse
  • Discourses of Environmental Destruction and Waste
  • Political Discourse and Critical Discourse Analysis
  • Language and Food
Ryan Fountain

Englische Sprachwissenschaft

Ryan Fountain
PhD Candidate     

E-mail: ryan.fountain@uni-bayreuth.de
ResearchGate: ResearchGate

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