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Chair of English Linguistics

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Linguistic Laboratory

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The Linguistic Laboratory (LingLab) is a work-in-progress colloquium organized by the Chair of English Linguistics. LingLab showcases ongoing research in English Linguistics at the University of Bayreuth and is open to presenters from all stages of academic life (advanced MA students, PhD students, postdocs, visiting researchers, professors).
We meet every second Tuesday of the month between 4 and 6pm (c.t.).

Current Program

WiSe 2024/25

October 15: Julia Reinhardt-Beiersdorfer (Room S 45 RW II) - HATRED-nouns and their metaphorical and metonymic conceptualisations from Anglo-Saxon to Present-Day English

November 12: Billian Otundo (Room S 45 RW II) - Multilingual African learning spaces: Translanguaging practices in Kenyan schools.

January 21: Nan Lan (Room S 45 RW II) - Language policy and Planning in East Africa in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative: Data collection and classification

Previous Programs

SoSe 2024

May 14: Billian Otundo & Jude Ssempuuma (Room S 45 RW II) Translanguaging in Primary School Pedagogy: Analysing Situations in Germany and Kenya 

June 11: Ryan Fountain (Room S 45 RW II) - Eating Performatively: A Corpus Linguistic Approach to Competitive Eating and Food Challenges Online

July 9: Nan Lan (Online, Zoom) - Language Policy and Planning in East Africa in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative

WiSe 2023/2024

November 14: Aynur Karimli - Classification of the Use of Online Disagreement Strategies and Their Impoliteness Aspect on Reddit

December 12: Tatjana Shannon Schnellinger - Afro-Surinamese Perspectives on Gestural Impoliteness: Gendered and Cultural Perceptions of Kiss-Teeth and Cut-Eye

January 16: Daria Dayter & Sofia Rüdiger - Magical Affirmations: Affirmative Statements in the Pick-up Artist Paradigm

SoSe 2023

May 9: Hanwool Choe - Mukbang Where You Eat Alone and Together

June 27: Usman Ahmad - A Descriptive Study of English-Hausa Translations of Legal Documents

July 4: Halide İslamoğlu - An Analysis of Speech Acts Across Englishes: Compliments and Compliment Responses in US American, Canadian, Irish, and Australian Talk Shows

WiSe 2022/2023

November 8: Sofia Rüdiger - Indirect Complaints from a Diachronic Perspective

December 13: Glory Essien Otung - Identities and Power in Colonial Letters: The Case of British Cameroons (1916 - 1961)

January 17: Johannes Trüdinger - Scottish Standard English: A Description of Its Grammar in Relation to Standard English and Standard American English

SoSe 2022

May 10: Sofia Rüdiger & Daria Dayter - Book Launch: The Language of Pick-Up Artists - Online Discourses of the Seduction Industry

June 14: Somaye Akbari - Introducing the Concept of Âberu and an Âberu-Damaging Act in Iranian Political Discourse: Focus on Presidential Debates

July 12: Yannis Wong - From Chaos to Governance: A Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study on the Media Representations of National Security Law in Hong Kong

WiSe 2021/2022

November 9: Jude Ssempuuma - Code Switching and Translanguaging in the Classroom: Their Implication in the Teaching and Learning of English in Elementary, High and Academic High Schools in Saxony, Germany

December 14: Ryan Fountain - Rethinking Standard Language Ideologies: A Mixed-Methods Approach to the Language Attitudes of Students in English-Medium Instruction (EMI) Programs

January 11: Jocelyne Kenne - Language and Interaction in the Chinese Community in Cameroon: A Sociolinguistic Profile

February 8: Susanne Mühleisen - Puns and Picong, Boasting and Complaining: The Language of Calypso

Webmaster: Prof. Dr. Susanne Mühleisen

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